Elise Karras, LCSW, Geriatric Care Manager—Swiss Benevolent Society
Kim Trigoboff, Esq., Attorney at Law
Mira Weiss, Esq., Attorney, Weiss Law Group, PLLC

Aging in America conjures up a picture of warm interactions with children, siblings and friends, in a community setting. But for many aging Americans, there is a very different picture. Whether through choice or lack of opportunity, many elders live without family contact, taking responsibility for their own care and support. Three Orion members, each experts in different aspects of aging, will explore the legal, financial and social perspectives of Aging Alone. They will highlight who these individuals are, how they function, and how they arrived at this point in life.

Also addressed: What can be done at a time of crisis? What happens if a plan falls through or nothing is done? Finally, we will engage the audience in a Q&A focused on this rapidly-growing issue.

Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Location: Orion